Custom Made Manual Wheelchairs

We at Invictus can help you find the right wheelchair to suit your needs. We understand that getting manual wheelchairs custom-made to fit your requirements can be a challenge.

In case you were not aware, it is possible to have a wheelchair modified to fit your exact physical attributes. They can also be adjusted further just to make you more comfortable. You can have a chair that matches your body type, size and shape as well as your physical attributes.

You can select the wheelchair components that are best suited to you and mould them into a chair that feels like an extension of you. This will be music to the ears of wheelchair users who have had to squeeze themselves into standard wheelchairs that are too small. Now you can have a wheelchair that will fit no matter how tall you are or are on the plus side.

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We are able to offer you only the highest quality of modifications from specialist and a variety of custom made manual wheelchairs.

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You can even choose the material from which its parts are made and the kind, and size, of tyres it will have. The handles for pushing as well as the footrests can be customised, as can the material used to cover the seat. Extra cushioning can be fitted in the seat if you so wish.

Given the sheer range of options for personalising your wheelchair, it is understandable that one can get overwhelmed. At Invictus we can help you get the right specifications on your custom-made manual wheelchair. We want you to have a wheelchair that will be completely comfortable and that will perform as you need it to. One that will complement your lifestyle, not interrupt it.

Speak to our experienced consultants and they will help you create a wheelchair perfectly adapted to your needs. Our aim is for you to get full value for the investment in your wheelchair.

Worldwide delivery of custom manual wheelchairs