Wheely-X Wheelchair Fitness
Fitness sustainability and enhancement
The Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill was developed with sustainability and improving the overall health of wheelchair users in mind. Users can roll and enjoy cardio content on the Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill using a manual wheelchair.
We believe that all must share the privilege of challenging your heart and letting it burn. Fitness is crucial, especially for people who sit every day. We understand what is wanted or needed in standard wheelchair fitness.
Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill is made for wheelchair clients’ general wellness maintainability and upgrade. Clients can utilize their manual-type wheelchairs to move on Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill and appreciate wellness happy with cardio exercises. We trust that all should share the honors of provoking your heart to pulsate and making you sweat.
Wheelchair treadmill, Wheely-X hardware prototype is complete!
There’s not much time left to reach the wheelchair user. 🦽
Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill is a product independently developed and patented by Const. Before the manufacturing process, a research and development team consisting of real wheelchair users is formed with our professional in-house technicians. From our brakes to our rollers and bearings, every small component is carefully designed to keep users safe and maximize performance. The highest priority in the engineering process begins with the interests and safety of our beloved customers.
Our installed length, width and height specifications for inclination and
camber are designed to fit all types of manual wheelchairs.
It also covers most types of SCI (spinal cord injury) from high to low.
Wheely-X Software
Consistently refreshed VOD video content is one of the most famous elements in our application. With content including Wheelates and Yoga, Wheel High impact exercise and Wheelchair Turning, our expert wellness mentors will move you. Experience intuitive wellness and partake in preparing together at this point.
You can download Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill for IOS and Android on your tablet or cell phone. In the event that you are utilizing a tablet, we suggest the iPad determination.
Standard Process
Wheely-X wheelchair treadmill is an item evolved and protected by Kangsters own innovation. Before the assembling system, the innovative work group was made of genuine wheelchair clients and our expert in-house specialists. From our brakes to our rollers and orientation.
With our reports and concentrates on the impact of Wheely-X preparation, the members showed critical enhancements following a month and a half of directed preparing with following classifications by and large.